Delta Waves = Deep Sleep


   Delta Waves = Deep Sleep

  Deep Brain Waves

This is a deep brain wave state that you cycle into when in very deep stages of sleep.   This is where your breathing and heart slow and your body releases various hormones related to good health like human growth hormone.   But for person’s dealing with high levels of stress, it might be difficult or even impossible to create the deepness of Delta Waves.   Did you ever awaken feeling tired and not rested?   That could be you.

   Where Healing Occurs

And that’s not good, because the Delta Wave state is where healing occurs.   Like when you go to bed with a cold but then awaken the next morning feeling better.  This healing and restoration happens here, in Delta Wave cycles, during a good night’s sleep.   In fact, Delta Waves are very important to our immune system’s function.   This is another brain wave level that is lacking in persons with sleep apnea but it’s necessary for good health.

Another cool fact about Delta Waves = Deep Sleep is that the more you experience delta waves at night while you sleep, the more empathetic you will be. It appears that empathetic people can produce Theta and Delta waves when they relate to others.  This allows them to tune into other people’s emotions and relate to those feelings.  This makes sense because Delta Waves are linked to our subconscious and conscious processes.  We don’t usually produce many Delta Waves during our time awake, but when we do, it has some very interesting results. First is that feeling of empathy that some seem to have while others, not so much.   Second, a gut feeling or sixth sense has been reported to occur subconsciously as a result of Theta and Delta Wave production.

  That Funny Feeling

You know what I mean, that feeling that suddenly you aren’t safe or that someone is watching you?  Which leads me to the third reason why Delta Waves come up during our awake time.  That is because you are a woman! Yes, women tend to have more waking Delta Waves then men.  But not until their 30’s or 40’s, before that both men and women are about the same levels.

   Difficulty Focussing

Interesting…What’s also interesting is that if you are a person producing large quantities of Delta Waves while awake, you are most likely experience learning disabilities or ADHD.  Large amounts of Delta Waves while awake make it extremely hard to focus.  Person’s with certain kinds of brain injuries have also been found to have large amounts of Delta Wave and Theta Wave activity, making it hard to focus.  It would be beneficial to function in faster wave lengths like Beta, because, in Delta, learning and concentrating are very difficult.  Though not completely understood, Delta Waves seem to play a role in different conditions including Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, schizophrenia and parasomnias, which are sleep disturbances.  Testing reveals that persons with these conditions are experiencing more time in Delta Wave than normal and while asleep, may have Delta Wave abnormalities.

   Delta Waves and Hypnotherapy

Since hypnotherapy is so effective improving sleep time, falling asleep faster and staying asleep through the night, I believe that it must improve Delta Waves.   The power of hypnotic suggestion can lead to many changes within the mind which in turn, affects the body.  Remember that the Subconscious Mind, controls all of the body’s functions.  It controls all of your memories and ideas.   It controls your dreams and creativity.  Your Subconscious Mind is in control and hypnosis affects the Subconscious Mind.  So, if Delta Waves are affecting you in a negative manner, let’s work on your Subconscious Mind to change that.

   In Conclusion:

We talked about how Delta Wave action in your brain gives you healthful and restorative sleep at night and that affects your immune system function.  I told you that persons with more Theta and Delta Wave activity tend to be tuned into other person’s feelings and are more empathetic than others.   Also that Delta Wave activity is that feeling that you get in your gut, that sensation that can lead you out of trouble.

Delta Waves are also part of learning disabilities and certain diseases like diabetes and Parkinson’s disease.  And finally, how hypnotherapy can directly affect your sleep habits and awaking brain wave function, as well.

Whew!  That was a lot of information!

I hope you found value in this post and that it is helpful to you in your everyday life.

When you are ready for a Hypnosis session with me,  call for free pre-consultation or send me a message here in the comments.


























About the Author Angie J. Hernandez, C.Ht.

A graduate of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute, Angie J. Hernandez, C.Ht., has her private practice in Milford, Indiana. She is certified in hypnotherapy by the Hypnotherapist's Union Local 472. Angie is the author of "Weight Loss Epiphany: The Workbook", "Charlie's Cuddly Animals for Little Geniuses" and "Weight Loss Hypnosis: Lose Weight with Hypnosis Scripts & Recordings". You can find out more about Angie and how to schedule private sessions by calling (574) 658-4686.

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