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Discover Your True Passions & Open the Door to Weight Loss

Discover Your True Passions & Open the Door to Weight Loss

If you’re lucky, you’ve already discovered many of your passions and get to spend a lot of your time enjoying those activities that bring you excitement and joy.  It’s been said that when you do what you love, you never work a day in your life.

[bctt tweet=”But if you’ve not yet connected with activities, skills, and interests that ignite your passion, you could find yourself stuck in your weight loss journey.” username=”@ang1e0251″]

It takes time, soul-searching, and some life experience to identify your true passions.  But it’s so important to do this.  Understand that if your life is a drudgery, than your Subconscious Mind thinks what are you losing weight for?  Looking forward to each day filled with your Passion Projects, fills your time with motivation.  You won’t be using food to stuff down those feelings of boredom and frustration.

     Here are fifteen questions written to help you tap into your wants, needs, desires, and fantasies.

Have fun with them and discover what you can add to your life that will fill it with delight. Trust me, this will spur your weight loss on and break those crummy plateaus that hold you back.


   1)  What’s the one thing I’ve always wanted to do?

Think about what would need to happen in order for you to carry through with this long-sought wish.  Would it change your family dynamic ?  Would you go out on a  limb to make it happen?  Good. Then make a plan and get started.

   2)  If I could spend today doing whatever I want to do, what would it be?

Let your mind and heart go.  It could be something related to your work, your home, or something absolutely silly.

   3)  Where do I really want to live?  What city and what type of residence?

Perhaps you’re already fulfilling this passion and you do live in the place of your dreams. If not, think about the possibilities of moving to a place you’ll love. Do some research and print out some pictures. Hang them where you can see them and dream about them.

   4) Where would I like to visit?

Perhaps you have a guilty secret yearning to visit Washington, D.C. or Westminster Abbey in London.  The streets of Hong Kong may be calling your name or even the Grand Canyon.  Can you make it happen?

   5)  What do I talk about doing but never do it?

In a conversation, you might say something like, “For the last 10 years, I’ve really wanted to take a cruise to the Caribbean.” Maybe it’s Comicon or a conference about your favorite thing.

 6)  What are the reasons I don’t go after my dreams?

Explore within yourself why you haven’t gone after  the life you want.  Can you do something differently to help bring your dreams to life? Could you explore your favorite dream part time or one day a week?

  7)  How will I finish the sentence, “More than anything, before I die, I want to ___________?”

Say it out loud and fill in the blank.  Say it again, louder.  Now, shout it!  Then, figure out a way to accomplish that wish.

 Discover Your True Passions & Open the Door to Weight Loss  8)  What are the things in my life that I would like to get rid of?

If you’re discovering you don’t love everything about your life, maybe it’s time to do some “housecleaning.”   Make a list of the ways you’d like your life to change.  Include things that you like but know might simplify going after what you really want.

   9)  Which people in my life inspire me and why? It’s important to know who inspires you so you can spend more time with them.

What is it about them that lights you up so much?  Now figure out how you can be inspired every day.  Decide to take every step to do that.

   10)  If I were to make just one radical change in my life right now to make life better, what would it be?

Your answer to this question will really open up your possibilities.  Moving to a bigger city might really spice up your life.  Getting more education might be a goal—plus you’ll likely make more money. What about taking a retreat that featured one of your passions: yoga, quilting, blogging, dog training, or race car driving.

  • You’ll be happier if you chase your dreams. Make 1 change.

   11)  How do I feel when I put all my effort into accomplishing one of my goals?

Notice these feelings.  You’re gonna want to feel this amazing all the time!

   12)  How do I feel whenever I achieve a life goal?

Awesome, I’ll bet. Write it down and celebrate.

   13)  What’s missing from my life?

Answering this question requires considerable soul-searching.  Imagine your best and ideal self.

   14)  Who are my biggest supporters?

It’s wise to know the people that will stand behind you and help you pursue your passions, no matter what.

   15)  Who gets in the way of me achieving my goals?

If you have negative people in your life, it might be time to think about why you allow them to be there. In order to find your true passions, you might be required t from those who wish to counteract your efforts.


   If you take the time to thoroughly ponder each of these questions, you’ll be pleased with what you discover. 

Your true passions are inside you, just waiting to be brought to life.  Let loose those passions to bring you excitement, joy, and fulfillment. Those are the keys to a happy life and a real signal to your Subconscious Conscious Mind that is is safe to lose weight.

Here is a free printable just for you to help you find your passion.

  Finding Your Passion Free Printable

Discover Your True Passions pg.1Discover Your True Passions pg.2


About the Author Angie J. Hernandez, C.Ht.

A graduate of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute, Angie J. Hernandez, C.Ht., has her private practice in Milford, Indiana. She is certified in hypnotherapy by the Hypnotherapist's Union Local 472. Angie is the author of "Weight Loss Epiphany: The Workbook", "Charlie's Cuddly Animals for Little Geniuses" and "Weight Loss Hypnosis: Lose Weight with Hypnosis Scripts & Recordings". You can find out more about Angie and how to schedule private sessions by calling (574) 658-4686.

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