No Distractions Eating - Indiana Weight Loss Strategies

   Fred’s Story

My client, Fred, was used to eating here and there throughout the day.

“I just really love food,” he told me.  “Especially sweets!”  Indeed, he had a very sweet smile when he said that.

“I’m retired now.  I help on the farm but my career off the farm is ended.  I have a CPAP to help me breathe while I sleep and being able to rest well has changed my life.  I’m ready to change other things in my life, too.”  Fred was finding that healthy living was making him feel younger.  He wanted to feel even better by losing weight.

He had tried before but it was a struggle for him.  He couldn’t stick with it.  He couldn’t keep the weight off.   It embarrassed and frustrated him.

He was a successful guy but he couldn’t beat the weight loss gorilla that hung on his back.  He was ready to take action.

   Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis

I used the Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis with Fred and it worked like a charm.  He couldn’t eat nearly as much at meals and felt full faster.  Fred lost about 30 pounds on my program and has kept it off in the two years since we started.  In fact, Fred has referred more new clients to me than anyone else  I am still seeing new clients sent by Fred even though it’s been two years since I’ve worked with him.

What I told him in that first session all that time ago, is still true.   This is a program for life.  It is not a diet.

You will be successful when you follow this program for the rest of your life.

One of the keys to success in weight loss is eating without distractions.

This is one of the hardest rules to follow, too.

   Mindful Eating

But as Fred has shown us, it is a key to long term success.  It’s not about avoiding your favorite foods.  It’s not about counting calories.   It’s about eating mindfully. In the Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis Program, you eat three small meals a day with no snacking in between.

This is key to your program.  And while you’re eating these small meals, the rule is Eat Mindfully.

What do I mean by “Eat Mindfully”? Eat with absolutely no distractions.  That means no TV, no phone, no magazines, no books, no newspaper, no computer, no tablet, no work.  That means just you and your food.

Your family is allowed there, too, but the same rules apply to them.

    You’re harshin’ my buzz!

So sorry, man.  Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to keep it off?  Do you want to change your life?  Then you have to do things differently.

Most times these days, when we eat, we also entertain ourselves.  We are distracted by a game on TV or a show.  We gulp down our food while totally into what the Kardashians wore last night. And at the commercial break, we look down at our plate and notice the food is gone.

 That’s funny. I don’t remember even tasting that stuff.  I sure don’t feel full.  I’ll go back for some more.

   The Satisfied Signal

It takes about 20 minutes for the Food’s A Comin’ signal to go from your mouth to your brain to your stomach.  It has to be prepared to receive food and be poised to signal “I’m Satisfied”.

Focusing only on your food is a big part of that. It’s important to look at your food and notice all its colors. You need to really smell your food and comment to yourself about its delicious smells.  Think about the textures of the food in your mouth and chew it thoroughly.

Can you identify the taste of the different ingredients of the foods.  Even hear the sound of the food.  Does it sizzle?  Does your fork make a sound on the plate? Does your drink make a sound with the ice cubes?

Using all your senses, really notice the details of the meal you are eating and how it makes your body feel.  Take stock, every few bites, of the signals your body is giving you and stop when it is satisfied.

Yes, satisfied not full.

   Listen to Your Body

And when your body and mind signal, “Satisfied!”, push the rest of the food away.

That is Mindful Eating.

And when you eat mindfully, you will re-learn the signals your body sends you, and you will be successful at weight loss.  And to get the edge and do it like a pro, hypnosis is your first step.  Hypnosis is like having the key with the test answers sitting right in front of you.  It pulls together your Subconscious Mind and your decision making will to make it easier from the inside.

And then you can do it once and for all, just like Fred.

About the Author Angie J. Hernandez, C.Ht.

A graduate of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute, Angie J. Hernandez, C.Ht., has her private practice in Milford, Indiana. She is certified in hypnotherapy by the Hypnotherapist's Union Local 472. Angie is the author of "Weight Loss Epiphany: The Workbook", "Charlie's Cuddly Animals for Little Geniuses" and "Weight Loss Hypnosis: Lose Weight with Hypnosis Scripts & Recordings". You can find out more about Angie and how to schedule private sessions by calling (574) 658-4686.

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