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Hypnosis Near Me: 8 Kids’ Traits I Teach Adults

Mother & DAughter with hair curlers and crowns with the titleHypnosis Near You: 8 Kids' Traits I Teach Adults

Do you think you’re smarter than your kids?  Do you believe they can learn a lot from you, but they have nothing to teach you?  Your kids have a TON to teach you.  In fact, many of the negative issues in your life could be resolved by adopting the attitude and perspective of a child.  Are you willing to learn from a child?

[clickToTweet tweet=”In my hypnotherapy practice, I teach adults the best of kids’ outlooks on life. ” quote=”In my hypnotherapy practice, I teach adults the best of kids’ outlooks on life. ” theme=”style3″] We tend to forget as we age, the wonder and focus of a child.  We need to dig deep to overcome life’s issues and lead productive and happy lives.

Observe a Child to Cope as an Adult

Forgive Like a Child:

As adults, many come to me with horrendous stories of wrongs done to them.  These aren’t imaginary wrongs.  They have suffered and continue to suffer.  The problem with carrying this in your mind and soul is that it is bound to come out in your physical body sooner or later.  Chronic pain is one of the ways past traumas can manifest.  The Institute for Chronic Pain says people with chronic pain tend to have at least double the rates of trauma in their past.

Young children can teach you how to forgive. Children are excellent at forgiving quickly and easily.  A child can forgive another child within a minute.  How long does it take you to completely forgive a peer? [clickToTweet tweet=”I know that there are actions that are unforgivable but holding that inside is like giving yourself a dose of poison every day.” quote=”I know that there are actions that are unforgivable but holding that inside is like giving yourself a dose of poison every day. ” theme=”style3″]

What to do? Embracing the purity of childhood allows us, in hypnosis, to look at these emotions in a new way.  At times even taking the transgressor to a time of his childhood to begin the forgiveness there.  It isn’t easy but necessary to release this block within and allow for healing.  Following the lead of children can lead us in a healing direction.

Make Better Use of Your Imagination:

Children can invent a game with a pile of dirt, a stick, and bubblegum wrapper.  The average adult isn’t creative enough anymore to figure out how to get the last of the peanut butter out of the bottom of the jar.

We live in a time of unlimited information, but little inspiration.  The days of knowing more than others are largely gone. The real power lies in discovering new ways of using that information.

I work with children and adults but kids really are open to using their power of imagination to create change.  Adults not so much.  It isn’t that adults don’t want to change.  In fact, by the time they come to me, they are usually desperate for change.

But adults don’t usually know that a big key to change a bad habit or learned behavior is imagination.  In hypnosis, I’ll be asking you to dig deep into visualizing solutions to your problem.  We might look into the future to see what your life looks like when this issue has been gone for a long time.

Children are more present than adults.  If a child is participating in an activity, their mind is focused on that activity. Adults can rarely keep their minds contained.  They might be watching a movie, but thinking about work, or wondering how much the electric bill will be this month.  Hypnosis is a state of enhanced learning and your imagination fuels the learning of new behaviors.

Children are imaginative, but their minds are rooted in the present moment.  They spend little time thinking about the past or the future.  Adults do need to do some planning ahead but being present in the moment, is better for productivity and stress reduction.

Are You Spontaneous?

Have you ever heard a kid planning out their day or week?  It’s not a common thing.  They think of something to do and then do it until it isn’t fun any longer.  Adults do need to make plans, but a little spontaneity would be a great thing for most adults.  Life presents many opportunities spontaneously.  Many of them won’t wait for you to make plans.

For some, spontaneity creates stress and fear.  Maybe you are the kind of person that feels safe when everything is planned out. But a little surprise in your life can be a joyful thing.  Look at small children and how happy they are when a gentle surprise comes there way. Make a goal to be open to new things once in awhile.  You never know, you might be pleasantly pleased.

Open Your Mind

Kids have open minds. They generally make their decisions based upon their own personal experiences, which are few.

Adults, however, are influenced by the opinions of others, the media, second-hand information, and learned biases. Adults have judgments about everything, even those things they know little to nothing about.  It is normal to judge but letting that dominate your thoughts can be overwhelming.  You can’t be perfect and the world can’t be perfect.

Clients often come in being dominated by their thoughts of past events.  In hypnosis we work on coming to terms with your past and opening your mind to be able to find a passion in your life.  Opening your mind like a child, you can find your childlike enthusiasm for life.

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A trip to the park or to McDonald’s is enough to get any child excited.  It takes little to make a child’s day.

Are you an adult who feels your life is boring or that the best part is over? It takes a lot to get a rise out of the average adult.  Children don’t resist life to the same extent adults do.  Lower your defenses and feel some enthusiasm for life.  Embrace the small pleasures of every day.

Here’s an exercise that is useful for finding a new appreciation for what you have. Before sleep, write down one sentence about something you saw that day that was beautiful.  On the opposite page, write one sentence about how you love something about your life.  Soon you’ll see a whole new world in your every day ordinary life.


Children are curious by nature, and they investigate the things that make them curious.  They constantly ask questions about how things work or why things are the way they are.  What have you learned in the last week?  The last year?
Learning exercises your mind and helps with a more youthful outlook.  We’re never too old to learn.  I encourage adult clients to find their passion and keep learning new things about it.  Curiosity and learning keep us excited about life and moving forward.

Maintain Your Social Circle

Children stay in contact with their friends, spend time with them, and make new friends on a regular basis.  Adults often limit their social activity to spending lunch with a coworker. Maintain a social life.

OK, I’m really guilty of this one.  I tend to hibernate.  But I know when I get out there and hobnob with friends, I feel better in my life and about myself. I encourage my clients to find a balance in their social and family life.  That doesn’t mean everyone has to socialize to the same amount.  We are a human mix of extroverts and introverts.  But find your proper balance and maintain it.

If you don’t have a circle of friends now, get out there and volunteer your time.  You will feel good about giving back and be a part of something bigger than yourself.


Mother & DAughter with hair curlers and crowns with the titleHypnosis Near You: 8 Kids' Traits I Teach Adults Children know many things that adults have forgotten over the years.  The tendency to enjoy life, feel enthusiasm, and maintain social relationships is stronger in children than adults.  Consider approaching life more like a child.  You can improve your outlook and find purpose in your life and have fun doing it!


About the Author Angie J. Hernandez, C.Ht.

A graduate of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute, Angie J. Hernandez, C.Ht., has her private practice in Milford, Indiana. She is certified in hypnotherapy by the Hypnotherapist's Union Local 472. Angie is the author of "Weight Loss Epiphany: The Workbook", "Charlie's Cuddly Animals for Little Geniuses" and "Weight Loss Hypnosis: Lose Weight with Hypnosis Scripts & Recordings". You can find out more about Angie and how to schedule private sessions by calling (574) 658-4686.

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