Hypnotherapy for Children with Anxiety

   Hypnotherapy for Children with Anxiety


   What to Look For

I’ve been part of a discussion this weekend from the mother of a 13 year old boy who is having panic attacks.  It made me think of how common panic attacks are and certainly among children, I seem to be hearing about more and more of them.

First and foremost, I want to say that you should look for an obvious reason for any child who feels anxious.

You are the parent, the advocate for this child.  So, become a detective and get all the info that you can.  Just like an investigative reporter, begin to find out where this feeling began to get a handle on how to ease your child through it.


Where?  Where does the anxiety start or become worse?  Is it before school, or sleep at night, at home or somewhere else?  Knowing where can tell narrow down the search for cause.


Who?  Who is around or going to be around when this anxiety kicks in?  Is it someone at school, like a bully, or a teacher who is a bully?  Most kids can handle loneliness but not bullying.  Is it at home when certain people are there or going to be there?  This can be hard.  Is there a step parent in the mix or siblings?Facing some kind of abuse from someone you think you can trust is very tough. You might need some help with that one.


What?  What is the feeling and thought that happens right at the moment before the anxiety starts?  This is the key to interrupting the anxiety pattern and building alternate reactions.  When that feeling and thought occur, I want the child to freeze…then stop and think of two alternate ideas that he can choose from to experience instead of the fear. I do this during hypnosis.


When?  If you’ve been successful asking the previous questions, you may already know the answer to this one  Is there a time of day when the anxiety peaks?   Is there a time of day when the child is calm?  This is all part of the puzzle.


How? How did this all start?  Think hard to back when this all started. The very first time.  What was happening in this child’s life then? Even events in the two years leading up to this can be causing anxiety.


    Before the Behavior Problem

What? Two years before? Yes, even up to years before can events lead up to a change in behavior for your child.  I had a client whose child had started some serious lying behavior.   The mom came to me to resolve her hard feelings towards her daughter and the problems the lying caused.  What came out was that mom had changed jobs twice during that year and stepdad had changed jobs once.  These were changes that were good for the family but still big family dynamic changes. They had also moved and this child was in a new school. Mom felt that the move was good for her daughter because there were issues in her old school district. Nevertheless,  another big change for the daughter.  And moving to a new home and neighborhood added to it.

You see it’s like a cup that you’re filling with water.  You can pour and pour to the top.  If you continue to add water, drop by drop, the cup can hold even a bit more over the lip.  But you are quickly coming to the tipping point and when that happens, the next drop of water will cause the whole thing to overflow.  A child is the same way.

  Their Cup Runneth Over

You can have pressure and more pressure, filling them up more and more.  But one day that child will come to the tipping point and one little thing can then can send them over the edge.  That’s when the trouble starts.  And it might be in the form of lying or anxiety or panic attacks.  The thing is, once that behavior is begun, it’s not so easy to stop.   Now, after all this questioning, you may still be at a loss.  I get it; some kids are just not going to open up to their parents.  And some kids honestly don’t know why they are feeling this way . They can’t control it or stop it. And at this point, you probably need some help.

   When to See Your Doctor

It’s always a good idea to consult your doctor. There could be a physical issue that needs to be addressed.  If that is not the case, then look to counseling for help. Remember, a person will usually tell a third party stuff they won’t tell their family member.  That’s what happens when someone is in my office.  Even when I’m out shopping or to dinner or standing in line for a movie!  People tell me things, they always have.  People will tell me their life stories when I don’t even know their names!

I often hear, “I’ve never told anyone that.”, and, “I haven’t thought of that in years.”

If you need extra help for your child’s anxiety, call me now at (574) 658-4686. Some people just throw their hands up and give up, allowing their child to see issues turn into long term handicaps.  Some people hide their heads in the sand and let time slip away while their child slips between the cracks.

And some, very caring parents, find that one method that assists their child get through the minefield of anxiety.  For many, many children, that one method is hypnotherapy.  Call me.  We can get your child on my schedule as soon as possible.


What does this mean for your kids? Light exposure at night can lead to decreased sleep quality but also shorter time sleeping. And sleep duration has been linked to childhood obesity. We do not want to go there.







About the Author Angie J. Hernandez, C.Ht.

A graduate of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute, Angie J. Hernandez, C.Ht., has her private practice in Milford, Indiana. She is certified in hypnotherapy by the Hypnotherapist's Union Local 472. Angie is the author of "Weight Loss Epiphany: The Workbook", "Charlie's Cuddly Animals for Little Geniuses" and "Weight Loss Hypnosis: Lose Weight with Hypnosis Scripts & Recordings". You can find out more about Angie and how to schedule private sessions by calling (574) 658-4686.

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