pitcher and glasses of water and fruit with the title I Can’t Stop Being Fat: What Should I Drink?


You’re angry.  You have been drinking Coke all of your life in fact there is hardly a picture out there of you without a can of it in your hand.  You can picture a frosty glass of Coke with the bubbles rising to the top.  Aaah…
So why are you angry?  Because I’ve been telling you to cut the sugar out of your life.  You DO NOT want to drop the Coke!  Well, you can just drink the Diet Coke, right? Sorry.  Nope. No way.
Isn’t it calorie and sugar free?  You said no more sugar!  But even artificial sweeteners send your insulin levels high.  [click_to_tweet tweet=”And remember Sugar = High Insulin Levels = Insulin Resistance = Obesity.  In that equation, artificial sweeteners can be put in with sugar. Let’s do that Sugar or Artificial Sweeteners = High Insulin Levels = Insulin Resistance = Obesity.” quote=”And remember Sugar = High Insulin Levels = Insulin Resistance = Obesity.  In that equation, artificial sweeteners can be put in with sugar. Let’s do that Sugar or Artificial Sweeteners = High Insulin Levels = Insulin Resistance = Obesity.” theme=”style3″]

Before we get going to today, I want to tell you about my free report, 146 Ways Hypnotherapy Might Help You.  It’s my intensive list of everyday problems that can be helped with hypnosis.  I see these in my practice and I’m sharing it with you FREE! You can get it at IndianaHypnosisCenter.com.

So if you shouldn’t add any sugar or sweeteners to what should you drink?  Just what can you drink?  Here are four drinks that are the new staples of your everyday diet. They don’t raise your insulin levels the way sugars, fructose, natural and artificial sweeteners do. And that’s the bottom line, controlling
your insulin levels.




You knew I was going to say it, didn’t you? Beautiful, clear clean water is the best for our bodies.  We are made up mostly of water anyway.
You can add slices of colorful fruits and vegetables to your water for variety, too.  Imagine that tall, cool glass with thin slices of lemon or lime or even just a twist.  That’s so appealing!
You might like cucumber or a sprinkling of seasonal berries.



Dress that water with orange wedges and watermelon chunks.  I think kiwi is so pretty in the glass and it tastes great too!   Water is the number one drink for your body and you will be able to find it everywhere.



Coffee has seen a resurgence in the last 20 years that was surprising to me.  My generation didn’t drink as much coffee as our parents but our children embraced it.  The biggest problem is that they have embraced it loaded with sugar!  There are lattes, cappuccinos, mochas, frappuccinos, and even chai with added coffee. The syrups usually have high fructose corn syrup, the absolute worst sweetener for our body.
The way to have coffee that will not influence your insulin levels which leads to obesity, is to drink it black.  You can add a splash of milk but not half of the cup.
Unsweetened black coffee drinking does not blitz those insulin levels way up high.  Continuous high insulin levels lead to insulin resistance and later obesity.
And the great news is coffee appears to have protective qualities against type 2 diabetes. A European study showed that drinking at least three cups of coffee or tea daily, reduced the risk of diabetes by 42%. A similar study from China showed a 30% reduction in risk.


*Want to Lose Weight on Vacation?

*Why Being Proactive is So Important for Weight Loss

*I Can’t Stop Being Fat or 3 Truths About Sugar

*Healthy Body Image: Is it a Myth?

*Weight Loss Hypnosis: 3 Surprising Emergency Eating Plans


Teas have been consumed since ancient times and show benefits for health for all.  Whether it’s black, green, or oolong.  Tea is beneficial and when taken unsweetened, will not affect insulin levels negatively.
And tea is so versatile!  You can drink it hot or cold, steaming or over ice.  You can add lemon, lime or even fruits and it’s delicious in all of those ways!
When you go shopping for tea, you will see a HUGE variety of herbals in a myriad of flavors.  Now these are combinations of herbs, spices and dried fruit materials.  They are all good to drink and will not send your insulin high.

Bone Broth

Here’s one you may not have thought of before.  Bone broth is an ancient food used to introduce babies to the taste of grown up foods.  It has a long history of helping return sick persons to health.  And it’s healthy for you, too.
Now don’t think you can go out and buy a bouillon cube and drop it in hot water.  Not even close!  And don’t reach for that canned broth either.  These manufactured foods rely on MSG and artificial flavoring; not good.
This is your grandma’s broth.  You buy bones from your butcher and it is slow simmered from 4 hours and up. You can add herbs to season and put in a little cider vinegar in, too, to help bring out the subtle minerals from the bone.  The minerals, gelatin and nutrients just aren’t present in canned broths.

The good news is that bone broth freezes very well.  So, make a HUGE batch and freeze it up.  You’ll be glad you did.

Ok, today I gave you four ways to drink that do not promote insulin spikes or contribute to insulin resistance or obesity.  Get started on your clean eating journey by eliminating other drinks from your diet.

If you found value in this video, please follow me on Facebook at Indiana Hypnosis Center.  You can also join my private Facebook group, the Inspired Weight Loss Coaching Club.  And subscribe on YouTube to see more informative videos on weight loss and feeding your healthy body.

I’m Angie J. Hernandez, see you next time!

pitcher and glasses of water and fruit with the title I Can’t Stop Being Fat: What Should I Drink?





About the Author Angie J. Hernandez, C.Ht.

A graduate of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute, Angie J. Hernandez, C.Ht., has her private practice in Milford, Indiana. She is certified in hypnotherapy by the Hypnotherapist's Union Local 472. Angie is the author of "Weight Loss Epiphany: The Workbook", "Charlie's Cuddly Animals for Little Geniuses" and "Weight Loss Hypnosis: Lose Weight with Hypnosis Scripts & Recordings". You can find out more about Angie and how to schedule private sessions by calling (574) 658-4686.

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