Bulimia: The Secret Life Where Food is the Enemy

It might have started from a comment someone made.

“Don’t give her candy. I don’t want her getting fat.”

“You cannot dance ballet when you’re fat.”

Maybe it was when your body was changing to become a woman.  You began to add weight and shape to your young body but it didn’t feel comfortable.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”But maybe you don’t even have a clear reason why you began to embrace the cycles of Bulimia, other than you wanted to look a certain way.” quote=”But maybe you don’t even have a clear reason why you began to embrace the cycles of Bulimia, other than you wanted to look a certain way.” theme=”style3″]

No matter what the reason or lack of reason, now, all this time later, here you are, in this place of secret binging and purging.  And you don’t know how to get out of it.

In this video, I talk about Bulimia, a little understood eating disorder characterized by binging on large amounts of food then vomiting out the food.  You might be listening to me and recognizing your own eating patterns or think you know someone who does Bulimia.

Let’s get started.


Bulimia Nervosa is an eating disorder that is surrounded by secrecy.  You might consider this a problem only for girls that are in their teens but that is only where it starts.  Bulimics can be quite secretive and some report still doing Bulimia well into their middle years.  Men are affected as well as women although in smaller numbers. But they are out there, binging and purging as well.

Here are three reasons why you might want Bulimia help for yourself or someone you know.

1)   Bulimia Side Effects

Bulimics do see side effects from their behavior.  What started as a way to control weight, turns into a lifestyle.  It seems ok, right?  There are no drugs.  It doesn’t involve illegal substances and the purging creates a high like no other!

[click_to_tweet tweet=”But you’re creating some serious side effects. It creates electrolyte imbalances that can cause fuzzy thinking, inability to concentrate, or even fainting. The same kind of electrolyte imbalances that are used with POW’s to break their logical thinking.” quote=”But you’re creating some serious side effects. It creates electrolyte imbalances that can cause fuzzy thinking, inability to concentrate, or even fainting. The same kind of electrolyte imbalances that are used with POW’s to break their logical thinking.” theme=”style3″] Not to mention, tooth damage, damage to your throat or mouth ulcers from repeated vomiting.

2)   You no longer have a social life. Your free time is spent doing Bulimia.

You hide your Bulimia and you’ve been doing it for years.  You’ve probably seen a lot of damage to your teeth with the thinning enamel from stomach acids.  But the damage to your internal body is the worst.
And social life?  What social life?  You avoid going out because you wait all day and all week for when you can be alone to binge and binge until you purge.  Because after vomiting all of that food, comes the biggest high you’ve ever known.   You LIVE for that high.  I’ve heard it compared to cocaine or crack highs.
Since you are hiding this behavior, you don’t have time for a social life.  You just want to be alone to get high.

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3)  Your hair and teeth are permanently damaged.

When you vomit, the acid from your stomach begins to wear away the enamel of your teeth.  That’s the protective barrier that keeps the nerve inside the tooth well protected.  When something touches that nerve in your tooth, you are going to feel it!  And you can’t get the enamel back.
So I guess you like the idea of dentures?
You can even start to lose your hair.  A major stress to your body from consistent vomiting can make you start to lose a lot your hair.  Before that even starts, your hair struggles to get enough nutrition and becomes brittle and lifeless. Your hair needs nutrition.  It can’t be full and lustrous without food.

There is a lot more to learn about Bulimia and its effects on the body and mind.

Thankfully, there is effective treatment.  If you need help with Bulimia, or know someone- who does, you can call me, Angie J. Hernandez, Certified Hypnotherapist, at 574-658-4686.  I use the Bulimia Breakthrough Method ™ in my practice.  It’s an intensive hypnotherapy method to clear this disorder from your life.  You can break free.

Bulimia The Secret Life Where Food is the Enemy Final Cut


About the Author Angie J. Hernandez, C.Ht.

A graduate of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute, Angie J. Hernandez, C.Ht., has her private practice in Milford, Indiana. She is certified in hypnotherapy by the Hypnotherapist's Union Local 472. Angie is the author of "Weight Loss Epiphany: The Workbook", "Charlie's Cuddly Animals for Little Geniuses" and "Weight Loss Hypnosis: Lose Weight with Hypnosis Scripts & Recordings". You can find out more about Angie and how to schedule private sessions by calling (574) 658-4686.

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