Ball and chain with the title: 3 Secret Ways Bulimia Enslaves You

There are so many ways that it can start.  Mary, not her real name, started at age 12 because “being thin was so important in her family”.

Jane was a picky eater as a child.  Her parents fed her chocolates and cookies, when that was all she would eat. But when she was older and being thin became important to her, her parents restricted her movements with friends.  She rebelled with Bulimia.

Sarah was diagnosed with depression at age 13.  She laid around when not in school and ate and watched TV.  She was no longer receiving compliments for being thin, so she used Bulimia.

There is no one way you may have started to use Bulimia.  But once you started, leaving it has become the most difficult thing you’ve ever done.  And maybe you’ve not been able to leave it behind at all.

Today, I’ll be showing you 3 ways Bulimia enslaves you and why that cycle is so hard to break.

Let’s get started.




#1 Secret Way Bulimia Enslaves You – Chronic Primal Hunger

   You might think you’re always thinking about food because you’re obsessed or crazy or just abnormal.  But it’s really because you are driven by the most primitive element of being human: Chronic Primal Hunger.

It probably started its signal to eat constantly while you were dieting.  The Army conducted a study on semi-starvation with healthy subjects then followed them for a year.  Even though the study ended, the emotional problems they suffered, depression, binging and purging, anxiety and more, continued even a year after the study ended.

So it starts with restricting or limiting food choices.  Then all you do is think about food.  The more you tell yourself you CAN’T eat a certain way, the bigger the idea becomes in your mind that you have to have those foods.  We’re wired to face famine with a great desire to eat. It’s a force that is way beyond your control.  When you start to eat, the first bite tastes amazing but then you slip into a Food Coma. You get fuzzy headed and you just start pushing it into your mouth and swallowing as fast as you can.

Releasing the Chronic Primal Hunger is the strongest point of the Bulimia Breakthrough Method™.  The only way to get the neuropathways turned around is through improved nutrition.  We will implement the nutrition in person and I will be teaching you how to manage your own food.


*  Bulimia: The Secret Life Where Food is the Enemy

*   I Can’t Stop Being Fat: What Should I Drink

    *   I Can’t Stop Being Fat or 3 Truths About Sugar

    #2 Secret Way Bulimia Enslaves You – That Self Critical Tape Playing Over and Over and Over

    Mean Girls;  that’s what that little voice in your head sounds like.  A mean girl that never leaves you but criticizes you all day long.  I’ve had women tell me they’ve hit themselves or even punched the wall.  You think that if you are mean enough you’ll just shape up and stop this kind of behavior.
    But it doesn’t work that way.  You must change that tape in your head and begin to be kind to yourself.  “Kind?” you ask, “I’m such a screw up, there isn’t any kind thing I can say to myself.”
    That just won’t make it.  Even studies show humans don’t develop well under criticism, and you know it hasn’t done you any good.  Learning to be kind to yourself is so important to breaking free of Bulimia.
    You can learn to turn away from that voice and insert self-kindness into every day.  I know you don’t know how to do that yet but we’ll work on that together.

    #3 Secret Way Bulimia Enslaves You – Wiring Your Brain with Old Neuropathways

      Nerves that wire together, fire together.   Nerve pathways in your brain are responsible for all of our behavior.  And that includes breathing, your heart beating, emotions, self-talk and, yes, Bulimia.  We must change those neuropathways so that using Bulimia isn’t even on your radar anymore.
    No, it’s not impossible. It works just like creating a new pathway in the tall meadow grass.
    With hypnosis, we create a new association in your mind with a new healthier thoughts and impulses. Imagine that you’re in that meadow of tall grass.  There is a path through the grass that is well traveled and deeply scored.  But now we create a new pathway.
    At first, it’s hard going, you have to part the grass and step down on it forcefully. As you push through, you look back and you can see that grass springing back up. But each time you use this new path, it gets easier and easier.  Soon there is a little pathway formed and over time that gets more and more comfortable to take.
    Meanwhile the old path sits there waiting and waiting, just in case you might wander down it again. But in time, it begins to get smaller and the grass starts to grow it over.  Until one day, that path is gone.  It’s taken over by nature and you don’t even notice it there any longer.

    You are free.

    Today, I told you about three secret ways that Bulimia enslaves you. I showed you that Chronic Primal Hunger is a physiological impulse that starts with restricting calories but can be ended with precise nutritional support.  I said that the Mean Girl in your head has got to go.  It’s time to love and support yourself even if you aren’t perfect. And I explained about neuropathways and how I can show you a new pathway with new behaviors that are healthy and supportive.

    You’re not alone in this journey.  You don’t have to be.  My Hypnosis for Bulimia is a three day intensive plan followed by a minimum of three months coaching.  Call me when you are ready to leave Bulimia behind.

    Ball and chain with the title: 3 Secret Ways Bulimia Enslaves You



    About the Author Angie J. Hernandez, C.Ht.

    A graduate of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute, Angie J. Hernandez, C.Ht., has her private practice in Milford, Indiana. She is certified in hypnotherapy by the Hypnotherapist's Union Local 472. Angie is the author of "Weight Loss Epiphany: The Workbook", "Charlie's Cuddly Animals for Little Geniuses" and "Weight Loss Hypnosis: Lose Weight with Hypnosis Scripts & Recordings". You can find out more about Angie and how to schedule private sessions by calling (574) 658-4686.

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